with stars in the chest, the fucking car is back ...

violence ... violence: policemen, policemen!

--show nitrominds ABC Pro HC 12

é, o abc pro hc foi um dos melhores shows, festivais, bla bla bla que eu já fui ... a roda do nitrominds foi (com certeza) a maior que já tive o prazer de participar e nao é que, de repente, vejo uma loirinha aparecendo no meio da negada pra pogar um policemen juntinho ...


i was alone, falling free ... trying my best not to forget ...

and the sex. and the drugs. and the complications.
baby did you forget to take your meds?


que venha as linhas de comando, os interminaveis diagramas-para-whatever, acl's e as malditas redes wireless ... só um dia entao como outro dia qualquer ...

e ainda por cima dói, dói demais.


The prettiest songs

Dearest girl, I'm worried about us.
Losing you became my worst curse
I won't say that I will buy you a car,
And i won't buy you some stars

There are too many words I would like to say
But I truly don't know how to begin,
You mean too much to my life ...
You mean so much that I can't hide.

When I sing these songs
Although my songs are sad
They are the prettiest songs
As you are the prettiest star
And I am the happiest guy ...

So, so I sing these songs for you
Talkin' about your holy face, eyes, hair, hand
I wrote these songs for you
That's why they're so.. so.. so...

--helio flanders

muito bem, obrigado.

sao tantas coisas pra fazer, uma correria tao grande com tudo que me sinto ateh sufocado ...

mas vou manter a calma, sabado tem abc pro hc pra gente, e eh isso que importa.

feliz por voce estar por perto sempre ursinha ...