"Brazilian actress and comedian Dercy Goncalves, known for her vulgar wit and scandalous behavior, has died. She was 101.
Rio de Janeiro's Hospital Sao Lucas says Goncalves died Saturday of respiratory problems after being hospitalized the same day with pneumonia.
Goncalves was known for speaking her mind, often peppering her conversation with obscenities. In 1991, she shocked Brazil by parading topless on a Carnival float. She was 84 at the time.
Goncalves kept working late in life and made several TV appearances after turning 100."
-- associated press
e, andei pensando, quando era nova até devia ser gostosa ...
bom, força pra Dercy ela pelo menos deve ter vivido a vida que quis ...
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Como Dercy dizia: "caralho acabou, porra!" uhauhauhahua
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